Lund's Lakeview Forest Reconstruction
Lead Engineer : Luke Zellmer
(763) 862 - 8000

10/18/21: Biologs shall be left on-site till turf has been at least 70% established across the whole site. Once turf has been established then the biologs will be removed.

9/29/21: Paving of the final lift is planned for Thursday, 10/7. Please avoid over night parking on the road for Thursday night.

9/28/21: Paving for the remaining bituminous driveways is planned for Thursday, 9/30. Please avoid over night parking on the driveways Thursday night.

9/24/21: Paving is scheduled for the remainder of 160th Lane on Wednesday, 9/29. Please avoid over night parking on the road for Wednesday night.

9/23/21: Seeding is planned for 9/24 or 9/25 depending on weather.

9/16/21: Curb is planned to be installed on the remainder of 160th Lane on Monday, 9/20/21. Bituminous driveways are planned to be paved on Wednesday, 9/22/21. Please avoid overnight parking on the driveways for Wednesday night.

9/13/21: With weather permitting, paving is planned to begin on Thursday, 9/16/2021. Please avoid over night parking on the road for Thursday night.

8/31/21: Due to equipment failure today, the curb was not started as planned. The contractor plans on starting curb installation on 9/1. Openings will be provided for all driveways wide enough for vehicles due to the timing of the installation to allow 24/7 access to residental properties for any curb poured this week.

8/27/21: Due to the rain this weekend, curb installation is planned to begin 8/31.

8/20/21: Veit will NOT be pouring curb on 8/23 & 8/24. The contractor has rescheduled curb for 8/30.

8/17/21: Veit will be pouring curb starting 8/23. Notices are being sent out to residents, or is located here

8/3/21: Veit will being installing storm sewer along Zumbrota betwen 159th Avenue and 160th Lane. They will also beginning preping the road base.

7/28/21: Veit plans to begin installing storm sewer on August 2nd.

7/8/21: Project Construction Resident Notice mailed out. Construction Resident Notice

6/30/21: Utility relocation is occurring ahead of main construction. Veit is tentatively planning to begin installing storm sewer July 19th.

6/9/21: The contract was awarded to Veit Companies at the June 7th City Council meeting. Project work expected to begin in July. Utility work expected June through July.

5/11/21: Request for bids were announced for contractors to provide their bids for the project. Bids will be opened on June 3rd and the City Council will vote to approve/reject at the June 7th City Council meeting.

3/3/21: Notices were sent to residents regarding tree removal in preparation of the project. Oak Trees need to be down by March 31st to prevent the spread of Oak Wilt.
Resident Notice
Tree Removal Plans

8/17/20: Wetland delineation, geotechnical investigation and topographic survey to begin in the upcoming weeks.

Approved Plans


The above information will be maintained as up to date as possible.