2103 - Meadow Park North of Constance Boulevard
Lead Engineer : Luke Zellmer
E-mail: lzellmer@rfcengineering.com
(763) 862 - 8000

10/21/24 - Storm televising is scheduled for this week.

10/2/24 - Seeding has been completed. Getting sufficient turf establishment is the responsibility of the contractor, but it is recommended that residents water the seeded areas of their yards if able to, in order to assist in turf establishment. There isn't a watering schedule for the contractor to follow, so contractor watering is highly infrequent.

9/30/24 - Paving of the final lift is scheduled for Thursday 10/3/24. Please avoid parking on the street and the unpaved portion of the driveways during the day of paving. Bituminous driveways will be paved at the same time as the final lift.

9/27/24 - Bituminous driveway paving has been rescheduled by the paving company for Thursday 10/3/24.

9/25/24 - The boulevards are finished being graded. Bituminous driveways are planned to be paved on Wednesday 10/2/24. Seeding is planned for this week at the earliest or possibly early next week.

9/17/24 - Boulevard restoration is currently progressing. For those who are wondering, the first 4-feet behind the curb is the boulevard and is required to slope towards the curb for storm water drainage, snow storage, and to help hold the curb in place. The area behind the boulevard can vary in slope to tie in to the existing grade. Bituminous driveways have yet to be scheduled for paving.

9/13/24 - The base lift of pavement has been installed. Mailboxes area scheduled to be installed on Monday 9/16/24. Grading and backfilling behind the curb has been rescheduled for Tuesday 9/17/24 and Wednesday 9/18/24.

9/10/24 - Paving of the base lift of bituminous is scheduled for Friday 9/13/24. Please avoid parking on the street during the day of paving. Backfilling behind the curb will begin on Monday 9/16/24. Mailboxes will be install on Monday 9/16/24 as well.

9/9/24 - Access to driveways is being restored today. The contractor is currently shaping the gravel between the curb to bring it up to the final profile of the road. Backfilling behind the curb with dirt is being done today as well.

9/6/24 - The curb and gutter has been fully installed. You may park along side of the curb, but be careful to no drive into the curb as it will be damaged. Gravel ramps will be installed over the curb to restore access to driveways on Monday 9/9/24. Concrete driveways were poured today as well. The concrete driveways will be closed for 7 days.

9/3/24 - Due to a mechanical failure, the curbing company has had to push back the curb installation date. Prep work for the curb will now be on Wednesday 9/4/24. Curb & gutter installation will be on Thursday 9/5/24. Gravel ramping over the curb to restore access to driveways will be on Monday 9/9/24 after the 72-hour wait period is over. Once the curb is installed you may park alongside of it.

8/28/24 - A correction to the curb timeline. The string line and prep work for the curb installation, will begin on Tuesday 9/3/24. The curb itself will be poured on Wednesday 9/4/24.

8/26/24 - Concrete curb installation has been postponed until after Labor day weekend. Curb installation is now scheduled to be on Tuesday 9/3/24. Concrete driveways will be installed a day or two after curb installation. As always, the schedule is subject to weather delays.

8/23/24 - Concrete curb installation is scheduled to be on Wednesday 8/28/24. Notices to residents have been mailed. The notice can also be found here: Curb Notice for Meadow Park Street Reconstruction. During the curb installation access to driveways will be unavailable for the first 72 - 80 hours after the curb is installed. Please have any vehicles you will need, such as cars, trucks, boat, campers, etc. moved to be outside of the construction limits by 7:00 AM on 8/28/28. After the 72 - 80 hours has passed, a gravel ramp will be provided to restore access to driveways. Heavier vehicles such as campers, boats, and trailers will have to wait until Friday 8/30/24 before they are able to be driven over the curb. Refer to the map attached in the curb notice for parking areas during the curb installation. Once the curb is installed, you may park along side of it, but be careful to not run into the curb as it won't be cured yet.

8/22/24 - Subgrade Excavation will be finished on 8/23/24.

8/20/24 - A portion of the subgrade excavation trench on 163rd Lane will be left open overnight. Please use caution when traversing 163rd Lane as it will be reduced to one lane adjacent to the open trench. Access to all driveways will remain unimpeded. The contractor will block off the open trench with machinery and traffic cones.

8/19/24 - The excavation has resumed on 163rd Lane at the intersection with Hastings Street. The contractor is working their way eastward from the intersection.

8/14/24 - Subgrade excavation will be finished on Isanti Street by the end of the day. No further excavation is planned for the remainder of the week due to the forecasted rain. Excavation will resume Monday 8/19/24 on 163rd Lane at the intersection with Hastings Street.

8/13/24 - Subgrade excavation is progressing down Isanti Street. Access to driveways may be interrupted during the day for extended periods of time, but will be restored by the end of every working day.

8/8/24 - The Contractor will be removing rubble and prepping the site for subgrade excavation. The excavation will begin Monday 8/12/24 on Isanti street by the wetland. Class 5 (gravel) will be installed as a road base once the subgrade is backfilled and compacted.

8/6/24 - The Contractor plans to be on-site Thursday 8/8/24 to begin the subgrade excavation on 163rd Lane.

8/1/24 - The Contractor will be onsite to repair areas where the rain has caused issues.
Note: only the north lane of the 163rd Lane has gravel placed on it. Please avoid driving on the south lane as there is no gravel placed.

7/29/24 - Due to scheduling conflicts subgrade excavation will not begin today 7/29/24. It is postponed until later this week instead. The Contractor will be out later today to regrade the roadway on 163rd Lane to remove some of the ruts caused by the rain.

7/24/24 - Subgrade excavation on 163rd Lane is scheduled to begin Monday 7/29/24. The excavation will remove the first 4 feet of soil below the roadway. The soil will be replaced with better suited soils for the road base.

7/22/24 - All of the storm sewer has been installed. The next phase is to do subgrade excavation along 163rd Lane and to do the rest of the earthwork along Isanti street. This will bring the road to its designed profile.

7/16/24 - A majority of the storm sewer has been installed. The remaining portions of the storm sewer will be installed once all the utility conflicts have been removed.

7/11/24 - The storm system on Isanti Street has been fully installed. Storm structures and pipes are currently being installed on 163rd Lane.

7/3/24 - The contractor will not be on-site for the remainder of the week. Storm installation will resume Monday 7/8/24.

7/1/24 - Storm structures and storm pipe installation has begun. The current plan has the storm being installed at the low point of the road and then proceeding to 163rd Lane.

6/26/24 - Storm pipes are being delivered throughout the site. Please use caution when driving through the site help avoid any accidents.

6/25/24 - The Contractor has indicated that they plan to begin the storm installation by the wetland on Isanti Street. At times during the storm installation the road may be impassable during times of the day. The Contractor will make the road passable at the end of every day.

6/25/24 - Topsoil salvaging is happening today. Surveyors are scheduled to be on-site 6/26/24 to begin marking out storm structure locations. Please do not move or remove any lath that is installed. Storm installation is scheduled to begin on 6/27/24. Storm pipe and structures will begin the be delivered to the project.

6/24/24 - Tree clearing is in progress today and will be finished by the end of the day.

6/19/24 - Tree clearing is scheduled for Monday 6/24/24. The only trees that are being removed will have a pink X painted on them. For the property owners who have trees marked for removal, if you would like to keep the wood, contact RFC by Friday 6/21/24. Wood that can be kept by the property owner will include anything 4-inches in diameter or greater and will be cut into 4-foot-long segments and piled outside of the construction limits on your property.

6/17/24 - For those who are inquiring about having their entire bituminous driveways redone during the project. The bituminous driveways for the project are being done by Knife River Corporation. The contact for Knife River is Tom Dobrick. His email is tom.dobrick@kniferiver.com.

Note: Any additional work done for driveways beyond what is called out within the approved plans, is solely between the property owner and the selected contractor. The City cannot make the contractor take on any extra work beyond what is called out in the project's contract. If Knife River chooses to do the additional work, the City will pay for the portion of driveway that is currently planned to be installed. If a different contractor is chosen by the property owner to do the additional work and waives off the City's contractor, the City will not pay/reimburse the property owner for the driveway.

6/17/24 - Mailboxes are scheduled to be removed on 6/19/24. The mailboxes will be temporarily relocated to 164th Lane for the duration of the construction.

6/12/24 - Traffic control signs will be installed on 6/17/24. Reclamation of the existing pavement and driveway removals are scheduled for 6/18/24. Selected tree clearing is planned for 6/19/24.

6/12/24 - The project schedule has been moved up. The construction start date will now be 6/17/24. Please avoid parking on the street during construction hours of 7am-7pm for the remainder of the project.
The project start date notice can be found here 2103 Resident Notice - Project Start Date

6/3/24 - The project is scheduled to begin 6/24/24. The proposed project schedule can be found here Meadow Park Street Reconstruction Schedule. Note that this schedule is subject to change depending upon weather and Contractor scheduling.

5/6/24 - Project bids were accepted by the City Council. The project has been awarded to Northdale Construction.

4/30/24 - Surveyors will be on-site either 5/2/24 or 5/3/24 to markup select areas for utility relocations. Comcast is planning on doing relocation work starting 5/6/24.

4/8/24 - 2103 Resident Notice - Removal/Salvage Areas was been sent out via mail to inform property owners of updated project timelines.

4/4/24 - Bid Opening will be 5/1/24 at 11:00 AM. Council acceptance of lowest bid will be 5/6/24.

4/1/24 - City Council approved the project to be advertised for contractor bids.

7/20/23 - Public works ran into equipment failure, seeding will be pushed into the week of July 24th.

5/15/23 - 2103 Resident Notice - Project Revision and Map have been sent out via mail to inform residents of the revised project.

2/7/23 - The City awarded the 2023 Bituminous Overlays project to Park Construction.

10/24/22 - Centerpoint Engergy will be on site to install a new gas line starting the week of 10/31/22.

10/11/22 - City Council directed a change in scope of the project. The project will be reduced to an overlay of the existing roadway on Hastings Street, 164th Lane and Kenyon Street. Reconstruction will be limited to 163rd Lane and Isanti Street. Due to this modification, some redesign will be required due to storm water assumptions made with the original plan.

8/8/22 - Construction will not commence until Spring 2023. Tree stumps will be removed by Rivard Contracting in conjunction with Public Works in upcoming weeks.

6/16/22 - Notices was been sent out via mail to inform residents of updated project timelines.

3/11/22 - Rivard Construction will be performing the tree clearing portion of the road construction project due to the Ham Lake Oak Wilt requirement that no oak trees are to be removed between April 1st and July 15th.

Approved Plans


The above information will be maintained as up to date as possible.